EECP treatment in India is successfully and inexpensively treating coronary disease. But now, Doctors are exploring the exciting possibility that this therapy could be used for so much more! It’s a given that as technology advances, newer, less invasive therapies evolve. But it is also a given that resistance to change is part of the human psyche. This is usually why new therapies don’t catch on quickly. One of the best example of this is that we have in-modern medicine today is that of a new therapy called EECP.
The famous terminology adopted is “EECP IS AN OPTION FOR PATIENTS WITH NO OPTION”. Even at this seemingly end stage, EECP therapy gives many benefits to the patients. The irony is that doctors still hesitate to provide or recommended EECP therapy during the initial phase of the disease. Ideally , treating cardiac disease should focus on just the patient’s cardiac health, but on restoring vascular health. We all know that a block in the blood vessels carrying blood supply, which in turn leads to heart attack and further complications. What we have not understood is that bock has been created by the dysfunction of the entire vascular system; it’s not just a malfunction in the vascular supply to the heart alone. If the patient has a poor vascular health, the chance of getting heart attack is high irrespective of how mild or severe the blockage are. That is why interventional treatment like bypass surgery and angioplasty which restore cardiac with regular exercise, risk factor modification and medication-which are all shown to restore the vascular health, Which is what EECP also does.
New Benefits
The buzz on EECP is taking on new dimensions. Doctors have been noticing that other aliments like diabetes, vascular erectile dysfunction, memory loss, stroke, diabetic retinopathy, minor complications of stroke and vascular dementia improved dramatically when their EECP patients were being treated for heart disorders. Theese unexpected improvements lead to further research on each of the above and the current conclusion is that EECP could definitely give many benefits in solving these disorders too.
EECP therapy & hypertension
As the body ages, the blood vessels get stiffer, and conditions like diabetes accelerate this stiffening. This means the heart is pumping blood into stiffer blood vessels, which means the pressure on the blood vessels are increasing. This condition is called hypertension. EECP therapy decreases blood vessel stiffening all through the body.
“EECP is the first allopathic treatment which does not involve invasive procedure or medication, but provides clinical improvement to cardiac patients in a natural way. Hence this natural treatment will work synergistically with our Ayurvedic therapies to enhance health without adverse side effects.”