Treatment of Heart Blockages with the unconventional way

Treat Your Heart Blockages Naturally

Treatment of blockages without operation/surgery is not so simple and cheap thing to treat. We need to take a bypass or angioplasty surgery which cost us thousands of bucks. But in this world nothing is tough to beat because Ayurveda has a solution for it. There is an Ayurvedic medicine which can treat your any kind of heart blockages and related problems in cheap cost. So let’s see how the blockages get ready in heart artery and how to recover heart blockages using Ayurvedic medicine.

How Blood Artery of Heart Creates Blockage?

Our blood artery are the way to transfer the blood all around our body. In between in the transfer of these bloods if somewhere blockages found then this is sure that you are at a risk, where many diseases are waiting for you. Generally this blockage gets ready in blood artery when you eat oily and oil related things more. These blockages mostly make their home town in heart because all the blood is primarily get transferred according to instructions of heart only.

‘Heart block’ or technically correct name CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) is primarily diagnosed from modern medical perspective, based on clinical features (symptoms and signs), electrophysiological studies, laboratory investigations, coronary angiograms and the likes. No other systems of medicine do this primary job of identifying the significance of ‘blockage’ and the ensuing adaptations of the myocardium and the damages that would result. However, institutionally trained doctors in alternate systems of medicine also learn about anatomy of the cardiovascular system, physiology of the CVS and also the utility of investigations in the diagnosis of CAD. In this backdrop, those who are aware what is this ‘blockage’ and the pahtophysiology behind this can attempt treating the cases based on the training and experience which are rational and beneficial to the patient. It should not be purely experimental at the cost of life of the patient.

Scientists / Cardiologists (majority) tend to focus on the tall claims by illegitimate few among the alternative medicine guys and underestimate the genuine scope of systems like Ayurveda. As many put it, “if Ayurveda were to be scientific, it should have joined the mainstream medicine”. I disagree with this. Historically, no indigenous system of healing has joined the mainstream science as it loosed its cutting edge! Advice to give a bowl of porridge does a different job than IV dextrose. In clinical conditions where IV dextrose alone can manage, go for that and save the patient. But the simple oral demonstration of porridge does its job in deserving cases. Natural remedies and plant based supplements/formulations to be used in different clinical conditions having its own futuristic significance. Hence treatment of blockages without operation/surgery is the need of the hour.