Are all Heart blockages harmful?

Arterial supply of the heart

There are three arteries that run over the surface of the heart and supply it with blood (see the diagram above). There is one artery on the right side, and two arteries on the left side. The one on the right is known as the right coronary. On the left side, which is the main side, we have the left anterior descending (LAD) that runs down the front of the heart and supplies the front and main wall, and then the left circumflex that supplies the sidewall. If you look carefully, a major artery called the left main artery supplies the LAD and the circumflex.

Mild coronary artery disease

Heart blockage less than 40% is classified as mild coronary artery disease. Such blockages are clearly not causing restriction to blood flow and therefore very unlikely to be causing symptoms. It is important to note, however, that there is clear evidence here of progressive coronary artery disease and such patients need aggressive attention paid to risk factors for coronary disease (cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, blood pressure etc.), appropriate medicines, and healthy lifestyle changes such as exercise, weight loss and dietary modification. Paying close attention to these things can prevent progression of heart blockage and help to stabilize it.

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A moderate amount of heart blockage is typically that in the 40-70% range. Usually, heart blockage in the moderate range does not cause significant limitation to blood flow and so does not cause symptoms. Moderate coronary artery disease is treated much in the same way as mild disease, basically attention to risk factors, medications, and healthy lifestyle modification. Occasionally, heart blockage at the higher end of the moderate range (50-70%) may require additional testing to see if it is significant or not and may be responsible for symptoms.


Severe heart blockage is typically that in the greater than 70% range. This degree of narrowing is associated with significantly reduced blood flow to the heart muscle and can underlie symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath. The severe heart blockage causes symptoms and are treated with placement of a stent  or sometimes bypass surgery is required in the setting of multiple severe blockages.


100% blockage in coronary artery stopping blood flowing any further and, of course, leading to a heart attack. Such a heart blockage is typically accompanied by major symptoms, and treatment needs to be given in a very timely manner.  If the treatment for this isn’t done within good time (usually the first few hours, the sooner the better), then the heart muscle may die, and once dead, cannot usually recover, which results in reduced heart pumping function and heart failure.

Doctors proven Alternative to bypass surgery ways!

A heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery is performed to replace damaged arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles. The blood vessels are taken from another area of the body to repair the damaged arteries. The arteries might get damaged due to blockage. Arteries are responsible for supplying the heart with oxygenated blood. Blockage of arteries can lead to restricted blood flow resulting in heart failure.

Heart bypass surgery is usually recommended by doctors in such a case; however the surgery comes with a few risks such as bleeding, arrhythmia, blood clot, chest pain, infection, kidney failure and low-grade fever. Over the decade, more alternatives to heart bypass surgery have been discovered and implemented. Few of the alternatives have been listed below:

  1. Balloon angioplasty

During the process, a tube is threaded through the blocked artery following which a small balloon is inflated to widen the artery. The tube and balloon is removed and a small metal scaffold called a stent will be left in the place. The stent prevents the artery from contracting again.

  1. Enhanced external counter pulsation

The process involves compressing blood vessels in the lower limbs which increases blood flow to the heart. The extra blood flowing gets delivered to heart with every heartbeat. The blood vessels may develop extra branches over time, to deliver blood to the heart. This is indirectly known to be natural bypass procedure.

  1. Other methods

One can always consider certain medications before resorting to heart bypass surgery. Medicines that help in cholesterol reduction can slow plaque buildup in the arteries. Daily dose of baby aspirin can help prevent heart attacks. Apart from this healthy diets and simple lifestyle changes can go a long way. Avoiding saturated and trans fats help the heart stay healthy.

What are indicative advantages for alternative to bypass surgery?

Among majority of population, coronary heart diseases are one of the most dreadful one. With the advent of science without any pains also these treatments are possible. Here are few things that will help to consider doing alternative to bypass surgery.

  • Stable angina: The experience doctors and expertise techniques of EECP could help in solving up the problems even of stable angina very effectively. One of the plus boons is that they don’t cause any kind of pain to patient yet very effective in solving the problem.

2)  Removes Toxic materials from the body: The experienced doctors with the chelation therapy eliminate harmful metals and minerals from our body.

3) Improves the blood flow: In the phase of sedentary lifestyle due to proper eating lifestyle habits there could be toxic things harming of the body. The experienced hands do help in solving these problems and could give you interim benefits in few visits.

4) Safer even for patients having prior history of diabetes:- The alternative bypass surgery was found to give better contentment to the patients thus the alternative methods are much effectual for people who are having pre –medical conditions.

5) Targets inflammation easily:- Even when there is inflammation in heart it could cause a greater problems. EECP treatments are vital in improving the coronary Collateral circulation.

As there could be multiple coronary problems pertaining to different patients, only after understanding the problems the treatments are being advised to you.

Why ask plans of Alternative to bypass surgery from reputed doctors?

Some substitute medicine physicians are suggesting EECP Alternative to bypass as a usual bypass in its place of bypass surgery.EECP standpoints for Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, an action that emphases on cumulative blood run to the heart. It is suggested for patients who have stark angina, which is chest discomfort resultant from inadequate blood stream to the heart, an amplified request for oxygen through the heart, or a mixture of both. Angina is a definitive indication of coronary artery illness and occasionally envisages heart attacks.

EECP might help redirect blood around contracted or else blocked arteries which are not providing adequate blood run to the heart. It is a consumptive process through which cuffs are enfolded around the sufferer’s calves, thighs plus buttocks. The cuffs are linked to midair hoses which in turn are associated to regulators that expand and depress the cuffs in sync with the sufferer’s heart beat. The heaviness bandages blood bowls in the legs so as to upsurge blood run to the heart. EECP might quick blood vessels to generate small networks (collaterals) that might turn as “regular bypasses” to surge blood run to the heart and dismiss angina indications. The action is prepared one to two hours an every day, five times a week, aimed at seven weeks, for an entire of 35 times of EECP.

When Is EECP Recommended?

Founded on what we see these days, EECP must be measured in somebody who yet has angina although utmost medical treatment, and in whom stents otherwise bypass surgery are estimated not to be worthy selections. Medicare has sanctioned treatment for EECP for individuals with angina who have dog-tired all their further choices.EECP can be fairly bumpy but is normally not throbbing. In studies, the great mainstream of patients has endured the process fairly well.

Why you should take into consideration of having Alternative to bypass surgery?

Chelation therapy is an Alternative to bypass surgery medication grounded on a chemical practice to take away toxic metals and reserves in the body. The procedure of Chelation therapy includes clutching minerals and hefty metals. Hence what is castoff in this procedure to jerk these dense metals and minerals? EDTA – ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, a water solvable amino acid multifaceted, is the chief result that is vaccinated into the build for cleansing otherwise coronary heart disease dealing.

Uses of Chelation Therapy:

Therefore, how does Chelation therapy aids our body by gripping calcium or former dense metals? A effective question that wants to be talked directly before we continue any additional in expounding about this noninvasive heart operation treatment. Owing to inactive lifestyle follows or indecorous diet lifestyles, cholesterol syndicates with fat as well as calcium and develops plaques. These plaques gradually figure up along the internal parapets of the arteries and slender the track obtainable for blood run. Utmost of the coronary heart ailments or other related diseases start distinguishing their attendance when the movement of oxygenated blood to heart contracts troubled owing to the tapering of arteries. With the assistance of this noninvasive handling, also appropriately recognized as artery clearance therapy, EDTA elucidation muddles with calcium plaques which are stalling those arteries and becomes cleared away and thereby increases blood run.

Other Benefits:

As Chelation therapy is hastily gaining reputation in handling ailment connected to cardiology, non-invasive and trouble-free nature of this process finds heartfelt reception amongst patients looking for conduct in other paths too.

Memory Difficulties or “Brain Miasma”: Lack of attentiveness, memory difficulty or brain miasma are certain of the strong cut indications of metal drunkenness. By identifying the heights of toxic metals in blood brook, it is unconditionally probable to carry down their attentiveness in cell matters by Chelation therapy.