When the large vessels that carry blood throughout the body stiffen and narrow down, it leads to Artery disease. In the case of carotid artery disease, the arteries that carry blood to the brain become clogged keeping the oxygen rich blood from flowing freely to the brain which can even cause a stroke. To diagnose these blocked arteries, doctors generally opt for Angioplasty surgery which is the most commonly known method. The angioplasty procedure involves opening of the arteries blocked by the plague and restoring normal blood flow to the brain, heart and other parts of the body. The procedure takes about an hour to be completed. However, angioplasty is not always necessary in all cases. Although safe, angioplasty may not be suited for everyone. Depending on the age, overall health and location of the blocked artery the procedures may differ.
Carotid Endarterectomise is one such alternative to angioplasty. This surgical procedure is used to restore blood flow in carotid arteries which are large arteries in the neck region that supply blood to the brain. In this procedure, the plaque is peeled away from the artery wall as a result of which the blood begins to flow normally again.
Coronary artery bypass graft is another alternative that can be used to restore blood flow to the brain by bypassing blocked arteries altogether. Segments of healthy blood vessels called grafts are taken from other parts of the body such as legs, arms or chest to create a new channel through which the blood can be directed past the blocked part of the artery. This allows more blood to get through the heart muscle. This process is usually more effective treatment option particularly for patients with diabetes based on evidence.
It is essential to discuss the risks and benefits of numerous surgeries possible with your surgeon and doctor before finalising on the best option suited for you.