How do know that you’re suffering from a heart problem?


alternative to bypass surgery

Patients who suffer from chest pain at rest or exertion or breathlessness on walking are the ones who could be suffering from heart blockages. They should undergo further test such as stress test or 3d vasculography to evaluate if there is decrease in blood supply to the heart.

If the stress test comes positive it’s highly suggestive that heart is receiving less blood supply and should go for further evaluation procedures like angiography.


What is angiography procedure?

Angiography is a diagnostic procedure that is done to evaluate the percentage of blockages in the heart. It requires one day admission to the hospital. When blockages are detected in any patient further treatment advised are angioplasty, bypass surgery or eecp.


What is angioplasty?

Angioplasty is an intervention procedure in which a stent is inserted in the blocked artery. The stent  help in widening the artery which facilitates to improve the blood supply to the heart. The disadvantage of angioplasty is that there is 15% chance of restenosis in the same artery.


What is a bypass procedure?

Bypass surgery is an open heart surgery procedure in which a blood vessel is taken from some part of your body and is used to divert blood flow around the blocked artery. But bypass surgery has its complications and risks. The major complication that can arise from bypass surgery is bleeding, arrhythmia, blood clot, chest pain, heart attack or stroke. Moreover in bypass surgery the recovery period is longer for the patient.


What is EECP?

EECP is a natural bypass therapy which is the safest and best alternative for patient suffering from heart blockages. It is the best alternative to bypass surgery and angioplasty as it has no side effects and provides a natural method to increase the blood supply to the heart.

Doctors proven Alternative to bypass surgery ways!

A heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass surgery is performed to replace damaged arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles. The blood vessels are taken from another area of the body to repair the damaged arteries. The arteries might get damaged due to blockage. Arteries are responsible for supplying the heart with oxygenated blood. Blockage of arteries can lead to restricted blood flow resulting in heart failure.

Heart bypass surgery is usually recommended by doctors in such a case; however the surgery comes with a few risks such as bleeding, arrhythmia, blood clot, chest pain, infection, kidney failure and low-grade fever. Over the decade, more alternatives to heart bypass surgery have been discovered and implemented. Few of the alternatives have been listed below:

  1. Balloon angioplasty

During the process, a tube is threaded through the blocked artery following which a small balloon is inflated to widen the artery. The tube and balloon is removed and a small metal scaffold called a stent will be left in the place. The stent prevents the artery from contracting again.

  1. Enhanced external counter pulsation

The process involves compressing blood vessels in the lower limbs which increases blood flow to the heart. The extra blood flowing gets delivered to heart with every heartbeat. The blood vessels may develop extra branches over time, to deliver blood to the heart. This is indirectly known to be natural bypass procedure.

  1. Other methods

One can always consider certain medications before resorting to heart bypass surgery. Medicines that help in cholesterol reduction can slow plaque buildup in the arteries. Daily dose of baby aspirin can help prevent heart attacks. Apart from this healthy diets and simple lifestyle changes can go a long way. Avoiding saturated and trans fats help the heart stay healthy.

Vulnerable ways to cure the problems of heart without any pain or surgery

When the large vessels that carry blood throughout the body stiffen and narrow down, it leads to Artery disease. In the case of carotid artery disease, the arteries that carry blood to the brain become clogged keeping the oxygen rich blood from flowing freely to the brain which can even cause a stroke. To diagnose these blocked arteries, doctors generally opt for Angioplasty surgery which is the most commonly known method. The angioplasty procedure involves opening of the arteries blocked by the plague and restoring normal blood flow to the brain, heart and other parts of the body. The procedure takes about an hour to be completed. However, angioplasty is not always necessary in all cases. Although safe, angioplasty may not be suited for everyone. Depending on the age, overall health and location of the blocked artery the procedures may differ.

Carotid Endarterectomise is one such alternative to angioplasty. This surgical procedure is used to restore blood flow in carotid arteries which are large arteries in the neck region that supply blood to the brain. In this procedure, the plaque is peeled away from the artery wall as a result of which the blood begins to flow normally again.

Coronary artery bypass graft is another alternative that can be used to restore blood flow to the brain by bypassing blocked arteries altogether. Segments of healthy blood vessels called grafts are taken from other parts of the body such as legs, arms or chest to create a new channel through which the blood can be directed past the blocked part of the artery. This allows more blood to get through the heart muscle. This process is usually more effective treatment option particularly for patients with diabetes based on evidence.

It is essential to discuss the risks and benefits of numerous surgeries possible with your surgeon and doctor before finalising on the best option suited for you.

What are indicative advantages for alternative to bypass surgery?

Among majority of population, coronary heart diseases are one of the most dreadful one. With the advent of science without any pains also these treatments are possible. Here are few things that will help to consider doing alternative to bypass surgery.

  • Stable angina: The experience doctors and expertise techniques of EECP could help in solving up the problems even of stable angina very effectively. One of the plus boons is that they don’t cause any kind of pain to patient yet very effective in solving the problem.

2)  Removes Toxic materials from the body: The experienced doctors with the chelation therapy eliminate harmful metals and minerals from our body.

3) Improves the blood flow: In the phase of sedentary lifestyle due to proper eating lifestyle habits there could be toxic things harming of the body. The experienced hands do help in solving these problems and could give you interim benefits in few visits.

4) Safer even for patients having prior history of diabetes:- The alternative bypass surgery was found to give better contentment to the patients thus the alternative methods are much effectual for people who are having pre –medical conditions.

5) Targets inflammation easily:- Even when there is inflammation in heart it could cause a greater problems. EECP treatments are vital in improving the coronary Collateral circulation.

As there could be multiple coronary problems pertaining to different patients, only after understanding the problems the treatments are being advised to you.

What are possible treatments for coronary diseases and effectual Alternative to bypass surgery?

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation is stated as EECP. This is a Non-Surgical handling for sufferers with snarl-up in blood vessel booming blood towards heart sways(coronary arteries). The handling acts by refining the blood source to heart muscle outside the choked artery by endorsing new vessel creation athwart the choked arteries and similarly by improving collateral flow. In modest word EECP, is named as “Natural Bypass” as it’s found blood movement across the choked arteries logically by improving the alternative frequency of blood run. These alternative straits naturally happen in our heart and only requisite certain pressure to free it. (EECP) alternative to angioplasty conduct accurately does this merely.

The Treatment comprises of one hour daytime of 35 successive days.

During a distinctive EECP one hour handling sitting, patient fib on an exceptional action bed taxing a series of modifiable cuffs over your legs. The cuffs expand and decrease in flawless synchronization with sufferers individual heart throb with microsecond exactness.

Blood is strapped back with specific timing in consecutive throbbing density from the legs in the direction of the heart growing the blood run to heart muscles by founding newfangled vessels. Then obtain the blood near the leg by devaluing the cuffs when the heart drives out thus lessening the heart capacity. All these are finished when the patient is comfortable and supremely unacquainted of the important alteration in blood run happening to their heart.

In impartial 2 weeks’ period patients’ fortitude and workout ability importantly improved and their cardiac indications like chest discomfort, tininess of breath, incapability to do their monotonous activity advances. Patient everyday medicines like nitrate reserved for chest pain is abridged or could be even ended. The action advantage has exposed to former up to five years and additional.

The action is approved by US FDA and too it’s in the reference of American heart association plus European society of cardiology guidelines for handling heart ailment.

Why it is viable thing to go Alternative to bypass surgery in Mumbai?

Yield over heart operation? There are tenacious assertions that chelation therapy can efficiently delight heart disease by eliminating the calcium out of cholesterol plaques.

Chelation therapy with the mock amino acid EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid) is a confirmed technique to confiscate toxic hefty metals alike mercury, lead plus cadmium from the physique.

The FDA has permitted the usage of chelation for the handling of lead slaughtering and hefty metal toxicity, however not for the handling of circumstances like cardiovascular problems.

The disinclination of the FDA to agree the usage of chelation therapy for plosive arterial disease has up raised queries, besides the body has been defendant of shielding the benefits of commanding traditional medicinal administrations who service (lucrative) arterial bypass surgery.

How does chelation work?

The term “chelate” originates from the Greek term for claw and means “to clutch”, which is that ensues when EDTA muddles with minerals as well as metals such as calcium, aluminum, iron, copper, lead besides mercury, permitting them to be detached from the body through the urinary path.

Cholesterol cartels in the build with fat, calcium plus other materials to develop plaques in the arteries. The plaque figures up over period and toughens and tightens the arteries. This accumulation is named atherosclerosis and could clue to cardiovascular illness and stroke.

In modest terms, chelation therapy for heart illness titles to effort by tying to the calcium delimited in the plaques (greasy deposits) in the arteries, and when this occurs the plaques are brushed away and defecated from the body. Eliminating plaque rein states springiness to the arteries and could for instance upsurge blood run to the brain, ensuing in better-quality cognitive procedures.

The future of chelation therapy:

Chelation will turn into progressively more significant when its helpful effects are understood, exclusively in our contemporary environment with mercury, lead, manganese, and chromium as well as cobalt surplus.

Why is feasible decision to go for Alternative to Bypass surgery?

What is chelation therapy?

Chelation therapy is a handling used in conformist medication for eradicating hefty metals (counting mercury) as from the blood. It includes arterial injections of a chelating mediator, EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid), a mock amino acid. EDTA drags to hefty metals plus minerals in the blood thus that they can be defecated in the urine. Additional venous agent castoff by certain physicians for mercury detoxification is named DMPS (2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid).

What is chelation therapy utilized for?

Chelation therapy is maximum frequently used to handle hefty metal harming. Though because EDTA can decrease the quantity of calcium in the bloodstream, plus since calcium is set up inside the plaque that could line unhealthy blood vessels, specific health physicians state that chelation could be used to delight atherosclerosis (toughening of the arteries) by reviving arteries blocked with plaque. They uphold that by means of chelation for this drive is a real and less luxurious substitute to coronary artery bypass surgery, angioplasty, and further conformist medical handlings.

Furthermore, several of these practitioners privilege that chelation therapy can positively delight such illnesses as outlying vascular sickness, Alzheimer’s disease, manifold sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism and former solemn medicinal problems. Several of these doctors routine hair analysis or additional scientifically unverified tests to identify “injuring” with lead, mercury or former hefty metals, however only infrequently are the consequences to be trustworthy.

The subsequent theories have been progressive to upkeep claims that chelation therapy effectively delights heart disease and further disorders:

  • EDTA chelation therapy may straight eliminate calcium initiate in greasy plaques that chunk arteries, therefore flouting up the plaques.
  • Chelation therapy might rouse relief of a hormone which in turn grounds calcium to be detached from plaques or else reasons a dropping of cholesterol levels.

Chelation therapy might decrease the harmful possessions of oxygen ions (oxidative pressure) on the ramparts of the blood pots, which can reduce irritation in the arteries and recover blood vessel utility.